Study on Relationship between Fluctuation of Relative Price of Agricultural Product and Industrial Product and Money Supply 农产品和工业品的相对价格波动与货币供给
The Equilibrium Analysis about the Impact of Supply and Demand for Rapeseed by the Fluctuation of Petroleum Price 石油价格波动对油菜籽供求影响的均衡分析
Although there are many factors Affectiong the fluctuation of overall price level, the fluctuation of overall price level not only exists in the course of price reform but also isan inevitable phenomenon accompanying market economy. 当前虽然还存在着影响物价总水平波动的多种因素,但物价总水平的波动不仅存在于价格改革的进程之中,而且是和市场经济相伴随的一种必然现象。
We investigate the fluctuation of price process in a stock market with Ising model and the mean field theory, and construct the corresponding random logarithmic price returns process. 再利用计算机模拟股票价格收益率的分布特征,模型很好的刻画了现实证券市场中股票收益率分布的宽尾现象、长记忆性,以及累积分布中尾部收益的指数递减现象。
A New Trend in Macro-Economy Operation Uncovered by Lagging Fluctuation of Factor Price 要素价格滞后波动显露的宏观经济运行新动向
Investigation on the fluctuation of pork price in China& a comparison with that of USA 中国猪肉价格波动研究&兼与美国的比较
"Bread is the staff of life", so there is a close relationship between the fluctuation of price and people's life quality. “民以食为天”,所以物价的波动与民众的生活品质有着密切的联系。
The fluctuation of land price level is influenced by many kinds of factors: social factors, economic factors, policy factors ect. 地价水平变化受社会、经济、政策等多方面因素的影响,并随城市的发展而变化。
However empirical researches such as the riddle of bonus, the over-reaction and under-reaction of stock price, the acute fluctuation of stock price bring great challenge to it, and there are many defects on its fundamental theory, too. 然而证券市场的红利之谜、股价的过度反应和反应不足,股价的过度波动等实证研究对其形成了极大的挑战,并且,其理论基础也存在诸多的缺陷。
This paper studies the influence factors of the short-term fluctuation of cotton price in China by ARCH model. 采用ARCH模型对我国国内短期棉花价格波动的影响因素进行了研究。
Systemic Analyses on the Formation and Control for the Fluctuation of Pig Price In China 我国生猪价格波动形成与控制的系统分析
The Price Adjustment Speed of Market Makers and the Fluctuation of Asset Price 做市商调整价格速度与资产价格的波动
The fluctuation of oil price brings great impact and risk to Chinese economics and enterprises, so it is urgent to offer oil futures in China. 石油价格波动给我国经济和企业发展带来了巨大的冲击和风险,在我国推出石油期货势在必行。
Analysis on Short-term Fluctuation of Cotton Price in China: Based on Time Series 我国棉花短期价格波动研究&基于时间序列
In respect of the fluctuation of price under market economy, the sensitivity analysis of the model is carried out to ensure its utility. 针对市场经济下选煤厂生产计划的波动,本文亦对模型进行了灵敏度分析,确保了该模型的实用性。
Risk Control of Commercial Bank's Housing Mortgage In The Fluctuation of Housing Price 房价波动中商业银行住房抵押贷款风险控制研究
But as it is difficult to distinguish rational fluctuation of asset price from irrational ones and as it is ineffective for monetary policy instruments to adjust the price bubble of assets, it is difficult to enforce policy interference. 但政策干预由于难以区分资产价格理性和非理性波动及货币政策工具对资产泡沫调控的非有效性而无法实行;
Our goal is to realize a system that finds an appropriate range automatically. We use the algorithms to analyse the buying and selling of stocks, finding association rules between stock price and fluctuation of price. 应用该算法对股票行情进行了数量关联分析,提取股票涨跌与股票价格之间可信度最高的关联规则。
The results show that the increasing rate of both general money and narrow money and their difference have remarkable effect on the fluctuation of price index. 结果表明:广义货币和狭义货币的增长率以及两者之差对物价指数的波动均有较显著的影响。
The fluctuation of electricity price will affect the profit of market participants. 电价波动会影响市场参与者的经济利益。
Theory and practice show that drastic fluctuation of stock price is closely linked with instability spreading among banking departments. 理论和实践证明股票价格的急剧波动和银行部门不稳定性扩散之间存在紧密的联系;
The different capital structures may bring different cost or risk, and cause the fluctuation of stock price. 不同的资本结构,会带来不同的风险和成本,从而引起股票价格的变动。
This paper discusses the ITO procedure which describes the fluctuation of stock price. 讨论了股票价格变化的伊藤过程,并在假设不分红利的情况下,对伊藤过程的预测效果进行了实证研究。
The Empirical Analysis of the Fluctuation of Price Level in China in the Transitional Period 中国转轨时期物价波动的实证分析
The foundation of the traditional accounting is a stable currency. The fluctuation of price brings up a problem of common information false to the traditional accountant. 传统会计是以币值稳定为基础的,物价变动给传统会计带来了一个普遍性的信息失真问题。
The constant fluctuation of price is the movement of recession to the intrinsic value, in other words, price moves around the axle of value. 市场波动是价格对价值的回归,即价格不断地围绕价值上下波动。
The price level is a barometer of macroeconomic performance, we must analyze and forecast the trends of the fluctuation of price level accurately to master the operation and trends of the overall economic. 物价水平是经济运行状况的晴雨表,要了解整个经济的运行状况及其发展趋势就必须要准确分析和预测物价的波动趋势。
Factors, such as, the Zero Marginal Costs of the software, emerging information products and the imbalance among the Internet products of their regional distribution, make many traditional methods based on the fluctuation of price can not well play their roles. 如软件零边际成本、新兴的信息产品以及互联网领域产品地区间分布的不均衡,都使得传统的以价格波动为媒介来界定相关市场的诸多方法难有用武之地。
Usually, international payments affect money supply by the following ways: the forms of fluctuation of price index and economic growth rate and money crisis, or the measures including foreign exchange intervention and sterilization by central bank directly and indirectly. 通常,国际收支活动对货币供给的影响是通过物价水平和经济增长的波动、货币危机的形态,以及中央银行的外汇干预和冲销操作直接或间接表现出来。
This paper shows the linear model of time sequence and the ARCH model and finds that the GARCH model could describe the fluctuation of price in some degrees. 文章给出了股票时间序列的线性模型和股票价格的自回归条件异方差模型(ARCH),发现GARCH族模型在一定程度上能够描述股价的波动情况。